Two Cities MP Nickie Aiken marks anniversary of the announcement of the country being placed into the first lockdown.
A year ago today, the Prime Minister announced the UK’s first national lockdown to combat COVID-19.
For many, the last twelve months has been the most difficult of their lives. The disruption and loss that COVID-19 has caused has turned lives upside-down.
Reflecting today on the last year Member of Parliament for the Cities of London & Westminster, Nickie Aiken said,
In the twelve months since the Prime Minister announced to the nation that the Government had taken the unprecedented decision to place the country into lockdown, the UK has been faced with the most serious crises since the end of World War II.
It is a year in which we have seen the loss of friends and families, and the usual freedoms we take for granted have had to be curtailed to ensure public safety still is the priority.
As ever, the British people have rallied over the course of this difficult last year.
Not only do we thank the NHS at this time, but we need to remember the carers, the teachers, the sanitation workers, those in the transport industry and many more, for it is those who have kept the country working and it those who will help solidify the foundation that will help the country get back on its feet.
With the vaccine rollout continuing at pace, it is essential that everyone takes the appointment when they are contacted to help ensure that in the near future, we can start to enjoy seeing friends and family, go to the pub or go on holiday once more.
You can watch a further message from Nickie marking the anniversary of the first COVID lockdown above.