Nickie Aiken, MP for the Cities of London & Westminster, today spoke out on the evolving situation in Afghanistan.
Commenting, Nickie said,
"The situation unfolding in Afghanistan is extremely worrying and desperate. And I know many people have written to me already expressing their concerns. I have spoken to both the Defence Secretary and the Foreign Secretary today, making your views known and particularly the concerns we've all got about the possible oppression of women and girls under Taliban rule.
"There are 20 million women and girls living in Afghanistan. The average age is 19. They do not know what life is like under the Taliban. So I hope the government will be very tough if we see any form of oppression.
"I've also highlighted the concerns of the Chevening Scholars who I know want to get out as soon as they can. And the Foreign Secretary has promised me that they will do all they can to get them safe passage."
If you know British nationals still in Afghanistan who have not already registered with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, they should call the FCDO on +44 (0)1908 516666 and select "Consular services for British nationals".
They can also email and further advice is available at This phone number and email address are monitored 24/7 by consular officers in the network.
If you are a Cities of London & Westminster constituent and have family members who are non-British nationals still in the country, or are Afghan nationals who have worked for the UK Government, or are Afghan nationals who have supported UK objectives and may be at risk, you can contact Nickie's office at and we can raise your case with the relevant officials.
If you contact Nickie's office, please ensure to provide the following information about the person being represented:
- Full name
- Date of Birth
- Nationality
- Relationship to constituent
- Home Office reference numbers if possible
- Passport / travel document number
- Have they already obtained a visa
- Do they have a visa application pending - please provide reference number if so
- Individual(s)' contact details - email address and phone number